September 1, 2024

Sounds of Summer 2024

Summer 2024 was one for the books. 'Forward Into Light' was performed by the Boston Symphony Orchestra at Tanglewood under Andris Nelsons, and by the Aspen Chamber Symphony at the Aspen Music Festival, under Cristian Macelaru. Renée Fleming and Will Liverman performed 'Everything That Ever Was' with Myra Huang, piano, at the Aspen Music Festival. The Manchester Music Festival gave the world premiere of the large ensemble arrangement of 'Drink the Wild Ayre,' originally commissioned by the Emerson String Quartet. Adam Tendler performed 'the plum tree I planted still there,' at Other Minds Festival, and The Rhythm Method performed 'Drink the Wild Ayre' at the Iceberg Institute.

Sarah's 'Mass for the Endangered' was performed three times: by the Chorallective in Singapore, the Oregon Bach Festival, and the Three Choirs Festival (with the Philharmonia Orchestra) in England.

In addition, Sarah was composer-in-residence at the Iceberg Institute and the Walden School, and gave masterclasses at the Aspen Music Festival.